Saturday, May 17, 2014

One small reason NCSIMUL Player surpasses other CNC simulation Reviewer

SPRING Technologies has always strived to be the leader in bringing the latest innovations to its customers. One such innovation is in NCSIMUL Player.

The viewing technology embodied in NCSIMUL Player is backward compatible and bidirectional compatible between 32 and 64 bit operating systems: the contents of a machining job generated by NCSIMUL Machine down to version 8.9.4 or the associated 3D movie can be displayed native on any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 8 and 7 OS. 

This simple advantage makes it seamless for users to work in any version of the software and NCSIMUL Player will read the output. Users should work on cutting steal and reducing company expenses not software compatibility issues. 

For more details on NCSIMUL Player go to:

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