Philippe Solignac (Spring Technologies Corporate Marketing Director) will be among an elite group of presenters in ENACC PLM Conference to be held on Oct 17th in Saint-Hubert, Quebec.
Among the presenters are the key note speakers: Francis Bernard (Former CEO of Dassault Systemes) and Fabrice Renaudeau (Airbus Project Manager - PDM/CM information system and PLM development for A350 and A400M)
For a complete list of presenters
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Key topic to be presented by SPRING executive: Smart Manufacturing: Transforming the way to interact with CNC Machines
The presentation will show how SPRING Technologies’ users seamlessly integrate the creation of cutting tool libraries, optimized cutting conditions and NC program simulation, plus the ability to publish the manufacturing data needed by operators in the workshop, while monitoring CNC machine activity in real-time.
North American users will also be invited to attend a WYSIWIC® - What You See Is What You Cut – showcase. This is the latest NC breakthrough demonstrated at the mid-September EMO 2013 trade-show. This mobile cutting-edge technology, implemented on a fully-rugged professional tablet (Panasonic’s toughpad), provides real-time synchronization between the CNC simulation (G-Code based), the work instruction sheet - both provided by NCSIMUL Machine - and the NC program, running on a CNC machine (FANUC Robodrill 5-Axis machine).
NC operators can therefore automatically access work instruction sheets in the machining environment while the real machine operations are being displayed, eliminating the need to download documentation as a separate task and helping NC operators to gain confidence as they work.
Indeed, in most workshops, a shortage of computers close to the machines, and in such cases, hardware that is too often-obsolete prevent access to the state-of-the-art technologies that deliver the game-changing productivity gains. At best, workshop operators get to share a computer, forcing them to make endless round trips to attend their machine and lose valuable seconds worth thousands of dollars.
For more details on the event
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